Düsseldorf based artist Mirjam Collor has been developing her painting for years. Her art has been exhibited and sold around the globe.
She feels inspired by many things, such as people, nature or emotions. Going through the world with open eyes and heart, is how she gets ideas and inspiration. If something catches her interest, she wants to transfer it onto the canvas. Creativity is the vehicle she uses to comprehend and analyse what is.
Mirjam is drawn to abstract art, her compositions leave ample room for interpretation by the viewer and is non-prescriptive – it can be different things to different people, anything for anyone.
The psychology of colors fascinates her, particularly how it can influence our mood and feelings.
When Mirjam paints, the creation process is loud and messy, unpredictable with flying paint. It makes her feel free and content. Without a fixed starting point she often lets her experiences carry her forward and is often surprised where it takes her.